Sources and Copyrights
SuperSlicer is released under the GNU Affero General Public License – V:3.0.
SuperSlicer is based on PrusaSlicer.
PrusaSlicer is based on Slic3r by Alessandro Ranellucci and the RepRap community.
The main author of Slic3r is Alessandro Ranellucci, who started the project in 2011. With Joseph Lenox being the current co-maintainer.
Contributions to Slic3r have been made by Henrik Brix Andersen, Nicolas Dandrimont, Mark Hindess, Petr Ledvina, Joseph Lenox, Y. Sapir, Mike Sheldrake, Vojtech Bubnik, Durand RĂ©mi and numerous others.
The Slic3r manual was written by Gary Hodgson taking inspiration from the RepRap community.
The Slic3r logo was designed by Corey Daniels. With theSilk Icon Set designed by Mark James. The stl and gcode file icons were designed by Akira Yasuda.
Below is a list of all of the various projects included in SuperSlicer. Including copyright dates, credits, and links back to the original projects.